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Best Rising Photographers of January 2022

Posted on January 30, 2022 - By Sandrine Hermand-Grisel
We continue to discover incredible work from photographers that live and travel all around the world. Here is a selection of some incredible images of rising star photographers for this month of April 2022 you can get some creative inspiration from. We hope you enjoy this collection. Thank you for allowing us to discover so many incredible images each month through our different call for entries or spontaneous portfolio submissions.
Camilla Gorini
Camilla Gorini
Camilla Gorini
Camilla Gorini
Camilla Gorini is an italian photographer born in 1995 and based in Milan.
Her photographic research documents and conceptualizes fragility as an expression of the human condition, with a unique approach to portraying common objects.
Her work embraces the medium and large format and maintains a minimal and monochromatic rigor.
In 2021 she participated at the London Art Biennale, winning the photography/video award with the project 'A Study of Fragility'.
Warren Agee
Warren Agee
Warren Agee
Warren Agee
United States
Warren Agee, born 1966 in Buffalo, NY, USA, is a fine art photographer whose practice explores his connection with the natural world. After attempting many different creative careers including drawing, architecture, jewelry-making and the fiber arts, Warren accidentally discovered photography in the mid 1990s while making color transparencies of his jewelry to submit to juried art fairs. He soon pointed his camera to everything growing in his yard and never looked back. He fully embraced digital technologies in the early 2000s. He works primarily in monochrome. "Unless it is the focal point of an image, I find color tends to distract from form and content. My photographer's eye primarily sees structure, composition, and texture." His work has been exhibited in various galleries including Middlebury, VT. and Minneapolis, MN, as well as receiving honorable mentions in the 2021 Monovisions Awards. He currently resides in Petaluma, CA, USA.
Attila Ataner
Attila Ataner
Attila Ataner
Attila Ataner
I am of Turkish ancestry, but born in Svishtov, Bulgaria, a small town on the Danube river. During the 1980s, my parents and I lived in Triploi, Libya, where I attended an international school for the children of expats. There, I was introduced to photography by one of my all-time best, and favourite teachers. I have been an avid amateur photographer ever since. I currently live in Toronto, Canada, with my wife and two young children. I am formerly a practicing lawyer, however I recently returned to school to pursue a PhD degree in philosophy, with my focus being on environmental philosophy and legal and political theory. My current passion for photography, and the series of photos I have been working on more recently, is partly informed by my scholarly work on environmental issues. For instance, my series titled "Landscapes of Modernity" is an attempt to translate some of my philosophical ideas into a visual/photographic format.
Lauren Murphy
Lauren Murphy
Lauren Murphy
Lauren Murphy
United Kingdom
Lauren is a still life photographer based in South East England, recently graduated from BA Photography at Middlesex University. A lot of her work stems from an interest in perception and how something recognisable or ordinary can be altered and viewed in a completely different way. She experiments with more abstract styles of working and is influenced by both colour and shape.
Martine Lemarchand
Martine Lemarchand
Martine Lemarchand
Martine Lemarchand
Author of practical guides to adapted physical activity for seniors.
The series is called "A close distant"
During this particular period of confinement, I wanted to bounce back and use this reality as a springboard, a source of inspiration. The way for me to live this daily life was to challenge myself to take a picture a day. My approach was to observe the objects in my house in a new, poetic way, by getting closer to their essence. Gradually the central point of my inspiration was my kitchen, using different using different food ingredients (eggs, soy sauce, honey, milk, molasses, turmeric, wine, sparkling water, blue matcha...) and stoneware or glass utensils, to create a world that is very close (3 square meters of my room) and yet far away (abstract, spatial, elsewhere universe).
I also used this free time to answer different contests or calls for projects and since then I aspire to deploy myself in photography. (Nominations dans la catégorie "abstrait": Fine Art Photography Awards, Siena Awards, Prix Julia Margaret Cameron femmes photographes, Chromatic photo Awards, Visions International Photo Awards)
Animesh Ray
Animesh Ray
Animesh Ray
Animesh Ray
India/United States
Animesh Ray was born in a small suburban town in West Bengal, India. He grew up by the banks of the river Hooghly, watching mud skinks slither and river dolphins whoosh. He got into street photography when 14 years old, back in the late 1960s, using a 1950's Agfa Isolette. While most of his earlier street photos are in black and white, lately he dabbles in color. Animesh loves to travel and take photographs of life as it presents itself. His beliefs are most compatible with those of the humanist ideals. In his other life, Animesh is a professor and a researcher in genetics and molecular biology in a US university. He has also published short stories and works of poetry, and is working on a novel.
Creo ergo existo! (I create therefore I exist)
Julien Coomans
Julien Coomans
Julien Coomans
Julien Coomans
Julien Coomans is an architect that has a specialisation in design and practices photography on an amateur level. He is based in Brussels, but travels a lot around Europe which gives him more opportunities to discover new areas as he spends most of his free time shooting landscapes and seascapes.
Due to the artistic side of his main profession, his interest in capturing visual moments has grown stronger over the years and the perfect medium for him turned out to be a camera.
Photography is also a way to seek for tranquillity and this is what he tries to capture in his photo's by using a lot of long exposures and minimalist settings.
Debbie Smyth
Debbie Smyth
Debbie Smyth
Debbie Smyth
United Kingdom
Debbie is an avid travel and documentary photographer, always on the move, with eyes and lens constantly in action. The camera allows her to tell the stories she sees, portraying both the physical and cultural aspects of the places she visits. Her working life started as researcher in the British Library Reading Rooms, moving on to designing library systems for use around Europe, and from there into the payments industry. With her daughter now grown up, exploration and photography are getting a larger share of her life. Whilst travel has been limited for the last 18 months, Debbie has had time to concentrate on her photography projects, currently focussing on the traditions and architecture of the British coast, and Cold War architecture.
Kyle Everett Smith
Kyle Everett Smith
Kyle Everett Smith
Kyle Everett Smith
United States
Kyle Everett Smith is a photographer from Leucadia, California. He is currently studying at Glendale Community College working towards a B.A. in Photography. Smith's work focuses on mundane landscapes of modern environments. He is an avid skateboarder and outdoors enthusiast currently residing in Los Angeles, California.
Graham Earnshaw
Graham Earnshaw
Graham Earnshaw
Graham Earnshaw
I am a photographer living in beautiful Perth, Western Australia. My personal favorite style of photography is landscape and travel. But I also find myself pushing the boundaries between photography and art, with a particular emphasis on motion in portraying nature. And my other newfound love is aerial photography - a vantage point for opening up a whole new way of capturing the extraordinary beauty of Mother Nature.
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