The World Photography Organisation is delighted to announce this year's category winners and shortlist in the Open competition of the Sony World Photography Awards 2021, recognising the best single images from 2020.
Over 100 photographers were shortlisted in the 2021competition alongside ten category winners. Each winner receives the latest digital imaging equipment from Sony to develop their vision and will go on to compete for the prestigious Open Photographer of the Year titleand a $5,000 (USD) reward.
The overall Open winner will be announced onthe15thApril. Winning and shortlisted work will be presented in the form of a virtual exhibition available to view via the World Photography Organisation website from the 15th April.
The ten category winners are:
Klaus Lenzen (Germany) for The Blue Window, depicting a ramp of stairs at the Hyatt hotel in Düsseldorf ascending towards a window from which a view of clear blue skies is reflected. Seemingly floating in space, the stairs and window are framed in dark shadows that highlight the design while also adding an element of surrealism.

The Blue Window © Klaus Lenzen, Germany, Category Winner, Open, Architecture, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards
Tamary Kudita (Zimbabwe)for African Victorian,a portrait of a young black woman dressed in Victorian dress and holding traditional Shona cooking utensils. The image probes at stereotypical contextualising of the black female body and offers an alternative visual language through which a multifaceted African identity is presented.

African Victorian © Tamary Kudita, Zimbabwe, Category Winner, Open, Creative, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards
Juan López Ruiz ( Spain) for Electric Storm on Lavender,a dramatic photograph capturing the moment lighting strikes a flowering field of lavender with a solitary tree at its centre, set against a dusky evening sky. Taken in the province of Guadalajara, Spain

Electric Storm on Lavender © Juan López Ruiz, Spain, Category Winner, Open, Landscape, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards
Mariano Belmar Torrecilla (Spain) for Dias de playa, a softly focused picture of two women enjoying a morning walk on the beach in Alicante, Spain.

Días de Playa © © Mariano Belmar , Spain, Category Winner, Open, Lifestyle, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards
Marijo Maduna (Croatia )for Girl Power, a black & white photograph recording the moment when a woman dives off a cliff on the island of Lokrum near Dubrovnik, Croatia, while her friends stand-by and watch.
Cristo Pihlamäe (Estonia) for Little Kiss,an amusing picture of a hare looking out into the field with its tongue sticking out.
Kata Zih (Hungary )for Memento, depicting a tailor's mannequin in an empty room. For Zih, the stillness of the scene evokes a feeling of solitude and stirs up memories of lockdown.
Lyudmila Sabanina (Russian Federation) for Son, featuring a young child sitting on a table while gazing into space, lost in contemplation. The photograph shows another side to childhood, one of calmness and reflection.

Son © Lyudmila Sabanina, Russian Federation, Category Winner, Open, Portraiture, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards
F. Dilek Uyar (Turkey) for Disinfection, a cinematic image documenting an employee of the Health Affairs unit of Ankara Municipality in protective gear walking along the train platform while spraying it with disinfectant.

Disinfection © F.Dilek Uyar, Turkey, Category Winner, Open, Street Photography, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards
Khanh Phan (Vietnam) for Drying Fish, a photograph of a lone woman surrounded by hundreds of trays of drying fish in the Long Hai fish market in Ba Ria -Vung Tau, Vietnam. Taken from above the pattern, of the fish in trays resembles a large piece of fabric with the woman seemingly weaving it all together.

Drying Fish © Khanh Phan, Vietnam, Category Winner, Open, Travel, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards
This year's Open competition was judged by Gastón Deleau, Director, FOLA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The overall winners of the Open, Professional, Student and Youth competition of the Sony World Photography Awards 2021 will be announced on the 15 April 2021 via the World Photography Organisation's digital and video platforms.