Documentary Ilford, traditional brand in the market of photography, thanks Herbert Piel, a renowned documentary photographer, for his longtime loyalty and for using Ilford media for his exhibition
Time of Change and at the adventure days of Leica Academy.

© Herbert Piel - Expulsion of protesters with CH53 helicopters at the largest German
Time of Change
Forty black and white photos documented the time after the turning point in East Germany which Piel visited many times, making photos after the fall of the Berlin wall. The exhibition - a retrospect into past times shows the partially dull everyday life in eastern Germany, whereat his black and white photo technique ideally expresses this dull ambience. Piel´s photos document the east about one year after the fall of the wall and also show snapshots, e.g. of Willy Brandt at the window of the Erfurter Hof or of Helmut Kohl - celebrated on the Erfurter cathedral square. Ilford, traditional brand in the market of photography, thanks Herbert Piel, a renowned documentary photographer, for his longtime loyalty and for using Ilford media for his exhibition
Time of Change and at the adventure days of Leica Academy.

© Herbert Piel - Joseph Beuys in the Eiffel, 1984
During preparation and investigation for his upcoming four photo exhibitions
Time of Change which took place parallel on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, next to the name Leica one other name repeatedly popped up which had accompanied him throughout his entire working life since 1975: ILFORD. Just like his camera brand a term that had been present during his photographic career, whether as film or as paper, as normal paper, as multigrade or today as Ilford Galerie Inkjet. These two brand names always accompanied him - shaping his personal style since mid of the 1970s.

© Herbert Piel - Contaminated Child, Chernobyl region, Minsk, 1992