My childhood was filled with lessons about nature delivered aptly by my parents. The natural world became a foundational source of discovery, connection and solace. When my mother passed away suddenly, followed by the decline and death of my father, walks in nature became a way to process the long-term grief of their loss. The grief was renewed by the massive loss of life during the pandemic and these walks became a refuge to reconnect with nature in an intimate and mindful way. I feel that preordained scenes present themselves as a means to shed light on greater teachings of life, much like my original lessons in nature. These visual ‘Notes from the Universe’ represent how the fragility of life is both connected and ephemeral.

Notes to the Universe © Jo Fields

Forest Evolving © Jo Fields

Guardian of the Forest © Jo Fields
Jo Fields
Jo Fields is a fine art photographer based in Nashville, Tennessee. Although her career was in healthcare information systems, Jo's first love was the expressive interpretation of music as a flutist. Photography has gradually taken over as the primary passion with the colors, shapes and details in the ‘music’ of nature. Photography became a cathartic and therapeutic personal journey that is a fusion of emotional, technical, and creative processes. Her work revolves around themes of finding beauty in the ordinary, and highlighting the conflicts and interdependence of humanity and nature. This series received honorable mentions in the 20th Julia Margaret Cameron Awards and was selected as a Photolucida Critical Mass 2023 Finalist.
All about Jo Fields

Light as a Feather © Jo Fields

Waiting to Bloom © Jo Fields

Family Portrait © Jo Fields

Standing Together © Jo Fields