Max van der Wal has been educated as a sound artist at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, Netherlands and afterwards has broadened his spectrum of work by researching computer graphics and analogue film processes. During his research he has dived deeply into systematic thinking, subjective experience and process. There has always been an underlying need to expose systems by following them extensively or mistreating them. He has taken various notions from the sonic world into the visual domain in computer graphics as well as analogue photography.
Inspired by texts and works of John Cage, van der Wal utilises a variety of processes which lie beyond his control, hereby challenging the notion of perfection in art and life itself. Rather than focusing on preconceived ideals of what a work should look or sound like, he switches the intention towards the unknown and the experimental. The artistic expression is found in the moments in which he intervenes into the processes, imposing a human perspective onto a mindless system. The objects displayed in the frame are no longer the focus of the work, but rather the processes and their unexpected outcome.