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Summer Workshop 2019 with Arja Hyytiaainen

Posted on March 13, 2019 - By Sandrine Hermand-Grisel
Summer Workshop 2019 with Arja Hyytiaainen
Summer Workshop 2019 with Arja Hyytiaainen

Pied Dore, France, July 16-20, 2019

The five days homeworkshop at Pied Dore (16th July to 20th of July) situated on the countryside of Vendee, will focus on a ongoing project and/ or the primary interests of the photographer. The starting point is the question who am I. I would like you to work on a storyline that is the most important to you right now, photograph and work on the individual private space, transform the images inside you on paper; work with the startingpoint on your identity. Turn the skin inside out.

I believe in translating emotion into images, feeling and experiencing life through photography, seeking and questioning, trying to see behind the visual reality. I'm interested in personal, self-experienced stories, the very individual language of expression. Arja Hyytiäinen

the workshop is open to any amateur or professional photographer.

Bring with your work on progress (preferably on paper), laptop, camera/s , textes, drawings or any other support that can help you on the process of working and editing the photographic work. There will be a scanner, fix computer and a darkdoom available.

The workshop will focus to deepen the personal language and the photographic work on progress. It is a practical workshop in the surrounding countryside. We start with presenting our works and projects and continue by photographing and editing so that the resulting work does not only become a style or a pretty image but a portrait of the individual who is telling his/her story. Please think of a project you would like to realize/continue working on/bring to end. The workshop will end on a outdoor projection of images on Sunday evening.

The workshop will be held at Pied Dore, St Florent des Bois, Vendee, starting at 10H tuesday 16.7 until saturday night 20 .7. The closest railway station is La Roche sur Yon. (Possibility to be picked up.) The participants will be loged by the local villagers places for a low price. Possibility to a bicycle.

The number of participants is limited to 8 persons.

PRICE: 780 € inclusive tax, breakfast, daily lunch and dinner
(150 € with the inscription and the rest by the 10th of july by banktransfer or cheque.)

Deadline for the inscriptions; 20th of mai 2018
the inscription fee will not be replaced by annulation.

contact: 07 86 60 39 34 39
Arja Hyytiainen
8 Route du Pied Dore
85310 St Florent des Bois

Arja Hyytiainen

Arja Hyytiainen

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